Troop 95 was established on April 11, 2012 and held their first meeting on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. The troop had 7 scouts and seven leaders attend the first meeting. By September, 2012 Troop 95 membership went up to 15 scouts. Today, Troop 95 maintains a scout membership of 14 boys.
Troop 95 will strive to provide a solid program for scouts to learn and develop to the fullest of their ability through fun, engaging, and challenging activities revolving around the aims and methods of the scouting program.
Scout Oath:
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Scout Law:
A scout is •Trustworthy, •Loyal, •Helpful, •Friendly, •Courteous, •Kind, •Obedient,
•Cheerful, •Thrifty, •Brave, •Clean, •and Reverent.
Troop 95 Leaders:
Derrick Izumo Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Representative
Cooper Nakayama Scout Master
Joel Brunger Assistant Scout Master
Dylan Grantz Assistant Scout Master
Daniel Izumo Assistant Scout Master
Susanna Welch Assistant Scout Master
Ruisheng Peng Committee Member (Advancement Chair)
Ana Yamaguchi Committee Member (Hospitality Chair)
Karie Klein Committee Member (Treasurer)
Nami Izumo Committee Member (Secretary)
Current Troop 95 Members:
Batmen Patrol King Cobra Patrol
Cody Yamaguchi (Instructor) Nikolas Kamau (Patrol Leader)
Benjamin Poppas (Patrol Leader) Isaac Suffern (Assistant Patrol Leader)
Zackery Suffern (Assistant Patrol Leader) Isaac Klein (Assistant Senoir Patrol Leader)
Bronson Klein Felix Peng (Senior Patrol Leader)
Kevin Li (Troop Scribe) Caide Malani
Kobey Geronimo-Babas Gerald Santiago (Chaplain Aide)
Edwin Tasaki Adam Sako (Librarian)
Camping at Hapuna…
Learning new skills…
Bon Dance setup…
Cooking team grand champions…
Fire Starting…
Eagle Scouts:
The Eagle Scout award is the highest rank a scout can earn. A scout has up to his 18th birthday to complete all of the requirements to earn the rank of Eagle. The scout will need to satisfactorily complete 21 merit badges, and take part in a service project where he plans, develops and leads a service project that will benefit the community. Only 4% of all scouts will earn the rank of Eagle. Therefore, it is a highly coveted achievement that a scout will have truly earned.
Troop 95 Eagle Scouts
Casey Chow Awarded on 7-10-12 Dylan Grantz Awarded on 9-10-13
Brant Shiroma Awarded on 5-13-14 Quinn Shiroma Awarded on 5-13-14
Sawyer Salfen Awarded on 5-12-15 Daniel Izumo Awarded on 7-14 15

Brant & Quinn Shiroma

Daniel Izumo & Dylan Grantz